Four Corners
Directed by Ian Gabriel, “Four Corners” revolves around a 13-year-old chess whiz drawn into the Cape Town’s well-known child-gang culture. Touted as the first film to delve into the 100-year-old war between South Africa’s so-called Number gangs, the 26 and the 28, it blends the Sabela, Tsotsi-taal and Cape Afrikaans dialects and mixes established talents with non-actors and first-time thesps from schools and communities across the Cape Flats.
Views: 15
Genre: Crime
Director: Ian Gabriel
Actors: Abduragman Adams, Brendon Daniels, Irshaad Ally, Israel Makoe, Jerry Mofokeng, Jezzriel Skei, Lindiwe Matshikiza, Sibongile Mlambo