Jim Jefferies: This Is Me Now
The gleefully irreverent Jefferies skewers “grabby” celebrities, political hypocrisy and his own ill-advised career moves in a brash stand-up special.
Live from New York!
Saturday Night Live has been reflecting and influencing life in the United States for forty years. LIVE FROM NEW YORK! goes deep inside this television phenomenon exploring the laughter that…
Funny Couple
Two Weeks
In this bittersweet comedy, four adult siblings gather at their dying mother’s house in North Carolina for what they expect to be a quick, last goodbye. Instead, they find themselves…
The Lie
The Fast Lady
A Scottish civil servant must learn how to drive a Bentley to impress his girlfriend’s tycoon father.
Without Grace
Based on a true story of heartbreak and triumph, Lucas embarks on a journey filled with lost love, lost faith and three best friends who refuse to give up on…
Little Funny Guy
Movie starts with a small boy watching his father boarding a ship to America. Years later, all grown up and in colour, Pippolo Cavallo (Adriano Celentano) takes the same route…
Tora-san’s Song of Love
Tora-san returns to his family home to learn that his brother-in-law cannot go to Mitsuo’s (Tora-san’s nephew) athletic event. Tora-san volunteers to take his place, but gets into an argument…
The Love God?
Ornithologist Abner Peacock sells off his modest-selling birdwatching periodical to a charlatan who turns it into a girlie mag, making it a massive financial success. After Peacock and the magazine…