Set in the world of 2045, where communities have robotic helpers, a group of suburbanites are locked in for their protection by their household robots, while a rogue, self-aware AI…
R.A.I.D. Special Unit
The story of a woman who dreams to join an intervention group in the police department called RAID. Unfortunately, she is rather clumsy and both her family (and soon to…
A Gang Story
After growing up in a poor gypsy camp, Edmond Vidal, aka Momon, has retained a sense of family, unfailing loyalty and pride in his origins. Most of all, he has…
Hot Acts of Love
Franck and Paul are working as team buddies in their Paris police unit. They are sent on a mission in Toulon to solve a drug traffic mystery, but things get…
Michel Vaillant
Michel Vaillant is # 1 of pilots, undisputed champion in rallying in all circuits in the world. His success arouses admiration and envy. Ruth Wong, director of Team Leader, is…
The Crimson Rivers
Two French policemen, one investigating a grisly murder at a remote mountain college, the other working on the desecration of a young girl’s grave by skinheads, are brought together by…
The charismatic criminal Dobermann, who got his first gun when he was christened, leads a gang of brutal robbers. After a complex and brutal bank robbery, they are being hunted…
Old professional killer Wagner seeks someone to teach what he knows as long as he is already dying, and he chooses Max, young and passionless thief to be his successor.