Metallic Rouge
In a world where humans coexist with androids called Neans, a group known as the Immortal Nine rises up against society. Tasked with disposing of the revolters, a Nean named…
The Fable
A legendary hitman trained to become the world’s best assassin is asked to lay low for a year by the head of his crime family.
Mission: Yozakura Family
Taiyo Asano has been on his own ever since his parents died and the only one who seems to care for him is his childhood friend and classmate, Mutsumi Yozakura….
Eternal 831
In the present day, the world is in turmoil due to an “unprecedented disaster.” A young man living in Tokyo, Suzushirō, has a secret he cannot tell anyone. That secret…
Sing a Bit of Harmony
Satomi is fine being alone until an AI named Shion joins her class with a song and a promise to make her happy. While Shion’s musical numbers and princess gowns…
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish
With dreams of diving abroad, Tsuneo gets a job assisting Josee, an artist whose imagination takes her far beyond her wheelchair. But when the tide turns against them, they push…
One day, Nagi Seishiro receives an invitation to the mysterious BLUE LOCK Project. What awaits him there is an encounter with the finest strikers assembled from across the country. Nagi’s…